You may think that your home's windows are just a source of light and fresh air, but the truth is that your windows serve an important role in your home. It's important that you recognize the signs that your home's windows need to be replaced for a lot of reasons. Not only will damaged windows leave your home more vulnerable to intrusion, but also increase your utility bills and leave your home feeling drafty and uncomfortable. Here's a look at some of the signs that you should watch for that indicate you may need replacement windows.

Noise Transfer

Whether it's hearing outside noise in your house or hearing inside noise when you're out in your yard, any noise transfer is a serious indication that you need to have your home's windows inspected and potentially replaced.

In new windows, the argon gas layer between the panes will provide an insulating layer that helps reduce noise transfer. When the windows age, that argon gas layer deteriorates. At that point, they don't provide the noise barrier that they used to. When you notice an increase in noise, that's a sign that your home needs new windows.

Frame Damage

Your window frames are a crucial part of the security and stability of the window. When those window frames become rotted, cracked, or otherwise damaged, it compromises the integrity of the window. If you start seeing visible signs of damage on your windows, it's important that you address it and have those windows replaced.

Sticking Windows

Whether it's due to weather damage and age or the result of improper installation, you may find that your windows become hard to open and close over time. They might start sticking in the tracks, making it difficult to get them closed properly enough to lock them as well. This is a security risk in your home as well as a functional problem. 

You'll need to call a window replacement contractor to address this type of problem. The windows will need to be replaced and professionally installed to ensure that they hold up the way that they should.

Drafty House

If you notice that some of your rooms are feeling drafty, or you walk by a window and feel a cold, breezy spot, that's another sign that you need to have your windows replaced. When air is getting by your windows, that means you're losing the heated or cooled air inside your home to the outside as well. This can lead to increased costs for your climate control, which will add up over time. Make sure that you have drafty windows replaced as soon as possible to avoid this problem.
